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Showing posts from March, 2018

The First Step

Bad News...

Contrary to what we read on Facebook or see on Snapchat or other social media, everything is not always unicorns and lollipops.   Everyone is happy to share the good news... Can you really blame them?  Good news is fun to share, it makes people happy.  It lightens peoples days.  Why wouldn't you want to share the good news.   One thing that makes genuine people and genuine leaders stand out is those that can share the bad news as well.  I am certainly not suggesting everyone runs out and begins posting a bunch of negativity or bad news.  In fact, often bad news really is best delivered through a conversation.  But rest assured, we all need to hear hard things.  Even if they are uncomfortable to deliver or to receive.  The beauty of hearing the bad things is that we can process them and improve ourselves, our business and our environment by taking the information as a building block for what's next. 2018-Mar-15

Follow your bliss...