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Fight to Win!

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Play and Have Fun

Have fun.  Last week was Spring Break for my children and we got to go check out the latest additions to Universal Studios Orlando.  There is a lot of magic at an amusement park.  And you go there to have fun!  Sure, there are moments in the day when you think, I MUST press on!, you know, when it's hot, humid and you have been up since 5:30 am on vacation to make sure you got the first seat on a ride!  But I digress....having fun, disconnecting from work, and just playing is something we all need to do.  Seeing and experiencing awe and excitement will never get old.  Watching kids (and adults) wave wands to make things happen, seeing a someone at a horror makeup show "cut" into someone's arm and hear the audience cringe..then laugh because it was staged, and screaming and raising your arms as you and hundreds of others go over a drop reminds me that having fun is a necessary part of our lives.  Certainly you don't have to go to a theme pa...

The First Step

Bad News...

Contrary to what we read on Facebook or see on Snapchat or other social media, everything is not always unicorns and lollipops.   Everyone is happy to share the good news... Can you really blame them?  Good news is fun to share, it makes people happy.  It lightens peoples days.  Why wouldn't you want to share the good news.   One thing that makes genuine people and genuine leaders stand out is those that can share the bad news as well.  I am certainly not suggesting everyone runs out and begins posting a bunch of negativity or bad news.  In fact, often bad news really is best delivered through a conversation.  But rest assured, we all need to hear hard things.  Even if they are uncomfortable to deliver or to receive.  The beauty of hearing the bad things is that we can process them and improve ourselves, our business and our environment by taking the information as a building block for what's next. 2018-Mar-15

Follow your bliss...

Planting Seeds

As I sat with my son a few weeks ago and planted seeds as starters for our 2018 garden, several thoughts ran through my head... 1. New year, new season, new growth.  It is amazing to me that you can literally take a tiny seed and it will grow into something that you can enjoy for months!  This obviously doesn't just apply to plants.  It applies to ideas, thoughts, opportunities, you name it. 2.  You have to plan.  Start with the end in mind.  Plan out what you want your outcome to look like and get things in place to make sure you will achieve that end.   3.  You have to prepare.  The only way to have starter plants for a garden is to get the seeds planted early.  Perform the work upfront and in time to meet your goals! 4.  You have to cultivate.  Make sure the ground is ready for what you will be planting.  Remove debris, prepare the soil, keep weeds at bay and make sure you water!  In b...

Aim High!